About HMBC
Houston Mind-Body Counseling is the private practice of Dr. Tom Rodriguez, an advanced-practice registered nurse (APRN) board certified as an adult psychiatric clinical nurse specialist and adult primary-healthcare nurse practitioner. Dr. Rodriguez is also certified as a clinical hypnotherapist by the International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy. Dr. Rodriguez offers services in English and Spanish. El doctór Rodríguez ofréce sus servícios en Éspañol y Inglés. At Houston Mind-Body Counseling, our philosophy is that the mind and body do not operate separately, but rather inter-dependently. The mind affects the health of the body, and the body influences the health of the mind. At Houston Mind-Body Counseling we are ever-conscious of this interplay. Our mission is to provide our clients with exceptional stress-management services, psychiatric evaluation/diagnosis, medication-management services, individual, group, family, and marital therapy. Services are offered in a high-quality yet cost-conscious manner. Most major insurance plans are accepted.